When using multi-part packages, it is often desirable to pack as many parts into the minimum number of physical parts since this minimizes the overall BOM cost of the design.
Part - the center of the component is used as the reference for its location when determining processing order. It may be that the components themselves are in perfect alignment, but a wayward designator is responsible for causing the undesirable annotation results. If your positional annotation is not performing according to your expectations, ensure that the designators are positioned correctly. Designator - the component's designator is used as the reference for its location when determining processing order. Use this region to specify the reference for component locations when processing the annotation order. Choose from the following methods of positional annotation: As you select a method from the drop-down list, the associated graphical representation dynamically updates to illustrate how the components will be annotated. Use this region to specify the required method of positional annotation. Schematic Annotation Configuration Order of Processing
Proposed Change List - this region lists the proposed changes that will occur once accepted and executed using an Engineering Change Order (ECO). Schematic Annotation Configuration - this region is for configuring the annotation scheme, as well as the scope of annotation. The dialog is partitioned into two primary regions: The dialog is accessed from the Schematic Editor by using the Tools | Annotation | » Annotate Schematics command from the main menus.
Annotation options can be configured to package multi-part components, set Index and Suffix options, and Reset Schematic Designators (including any duplicate designators). The Annotate dialog provides controls to systematically assign designators to all (or selected parts) in selected schematic sheets of a project, and ensures that designators are unique and ordered based on their position.