100% Secure shoppingLyca Mobile User FAQ. Call us on 1-86 from any network OR dial 612 from any Lyca Mobile number © 2023 Lyca Mobile. For now, here is the full list of Lyca Mobile Uganda codes you need to master in order to buy Internet bundles, buy OTT, check your Mobile number, among other functions. At the moment, Lyca Mobile only has a handful of shortcodes with major ones expected to be rolled out as the telco continues to exist in Uganda’s service provider ecosystem.Your Lyca Mobile …Regulatory Recovery Fee. To view your Lyca Mobile number on your mobile screen, dial *132 followed by # or dial 97#. Provide your SIM and a PAC code from your previous provider, and your Customer Service representative will completen the porting process.In order to adhere to certain bundle purchase Terms & Conditions you may need to have a valid payment card on file in order to maintain payments 6. Provide your SIM and a PAC code from your …Alternatively, you can contact Customer Services on 322 from a Lyca Mobile number or 02 from any other number. BUY NOW Lyca Mobile Bundles FAQs Terms and Conditions Alternatively, you can contact Customer Services on 322 from a Lyca Mobile number or 02 from any other number. BUY NOW Lyca Flat Offer for New Customers €19,99 € 4,99 28 Days 15GB 20 GB Data Unlimited National Calls EU Roaming More. Customers can have only one bundle within the 30days from the bundle …Lyca Plus € 23,99 28 Days 20GB Data Unlimited National Calls Unlimited National SMS EU Roaming More. Provide your SIM and a PAC code from your previous provider, and your Customer Service representative will completen the porting process. To view your Lyca Mobile number on your mobile screen, dial *132 followed by # or dial 97#.Alternatively, you can contact Customer Services on 322 from a Lyca Mobile number or 02 from any other number. 0/ Data-National Mins-International Mins. Lyca bundle numbersDiscontinued mobile bundle history - Lycamobile Bundle History National Bundles Data Bundles LycaWorld Lyca Portugal International Plans Data Bolt On Refer a friend and get €5 credit! Refer Now New to Lycamobile? Join us today! Order SIM Other Services Available from Email Sign UpHome » Bundle Details.